作詞曲:Martin, Joseph M., a native of North Carolina, earned his Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. Subsequently he earned a Master of Music degree in Piano Performance at the University of Texas, Austin. Joe taught for five years in the Piano Pedagogy Department of the University of Texas.

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原詞曲:David Willcocks
Recomposed by John Rutter (1945-). Vocal score for SATB choir and organ accompaniment. John Rutter was born in London in 1945 and received his first musical training as a chorister at Highgate School. He went on to study music at Clare College, Cambridge, where he wrote his first published compositions and conducted his first recording while still an undergraduate.

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Messe G-dur G大調彌撒曲 Schubert

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歌詞源自聖經約翰福音第十四章15-17節:「愛神的人就 必遵神誡命,而神必賜下真理的聖靈與我們同在。」 英國作曲家泰利斯(Thomas Tallis, 1505-85)所作的混聲四部無伴奏合唱曲;樂曲以和聲織度開始,而後進入對位,各個聲部的步伐非常緊湊,使得整曲聽來有種追逐的效果,聲部之間必須相互抗衡、且相互融合才能完美呈現。

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編曲:Bob Chilcott

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This Filipino folk song is a song of joy and love.
編曲:George Hernandez, a conductor of the Saringhimig Singers from San Francisco has captured the native Visayan flavor in this rousing and playful arrangement.

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by 平子


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Les Miserables

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詞:書樵 曲:金希文

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About  瀚心生日快樂 

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  • Feb 08 Wed 2006 23:06
  • Kyrie


Kyrie - Mr. Mister...i am not sure if this one is correct

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瑞典真實之聲"The Real Group"極具代表性的曲目之一,

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/ Joseph Martin's

    Come to the Music is alive and electric with driving rhythm,
    memorable melodies, mixed meter, and joyful text.
    Optional percussion and piccolo accompaniment (parts in the choral)
    enhance the medieval dance quality of this exciting piece.

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About 社遊紀事

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